Fanuc ArcMate 100iBe Rj3iC Welding Cell with Two Headstock Tailstocks
This used Work Cell by Lincoln Electric features a Fanuc ArcMate 100iBe Rj3iC Welding Robot and two headstock tailstocks. This cell is in stock and will be refurbished to our NextLife Certification Standards. The dual headstock tailstocks allow the robot to weld on multiple surfaces around the part without the need for operator intervention. The two operator load stations allow for high throughput and quick fixturing. The integrated Lincoln Electric Power Supply will allow for multiple weld processes and flexible weld schedules.
This weld cell is entirely set up on one steel frame that will allow for easy setup when it hits your shop floor.
- Fanuc ArcMate 100iBe RJ3iC Industrial Robot
- (1) Push Pull Water Cooled Torch
- (1) Power Wave 455M
- (2) Headstock tailstock servo driven positioners
- Steel enclosure, flash protection, light curtains, and safety barrier
- Mounting and Alignment frame allowing for easy setup
- Push Button Controls
- Integrated Safety Devices
- (1) Torch Mate
- (1) Robotic torch maintenance center, wire cutting, reaming, and anti-spatter spray station.
- Steel hood ready to integrate with a ventilation system
- Collision Guard
- Thru Arc Seam Tracking
- Touch Sensing
- Fixturing design and fabrication
- Programming support